COD: Mobile: First Look at Memnos Island Map Expected in 4th Anniversary Update

COD: Mobile: First Look at Memnos Island Map Expected in 4th Anniversary Update

As the gaming community eagerly anticipates the 4th anniversary of COD: Mobile, leaks and speculations have started to emerge, painting a vivid picture of what players can expect from this significant milestone. The most significant revelation for the 4th anniversary update is the introduction of a brand new Battle Royale map named “Memnos Island”.

Everthing we know about Memnos Island so far

This mysterious island, currently hinted at in the Harbor section of the Isolated map, is marked inside a blue circle. Within this circle, players can find numerous hints and clues about Memnos Island. For instance, interacting with mechanical animals reveals information about specific locations on the island, such as Amytis Hotel, a luxury establishment with no public records. Other intriguing sites include the Templar’s Crypt Ruins, believed to house lost treasures, and Tholos Asteron, a star wall inspired by ancient Greek architecture from the 16th century.

Clues and Secrets of the Map

The clues related to Memnos Island come with different numbers. By matching these numbers, players can access a container that not only provides more details about the new Battle Royale map but also reveals a visual representation of Memnos Island itself. The overarching theme suggests that this map was never disclosed to the public and remained a well-guarded secret. However, COD: Mobile players are about to uncover its mysteries.

Developers’ Teasers and Hints

Players’ discovery of new ships within the Red Zone indicates that the developers are indeed working on something monumental. Furthermore, data miners have hinted at a significant campaign centered around the new Battle Royale map reveal.

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