How to Craft an Oak Button in Minecraft


Required Materials
Source: Youtube

To craft an oak button in Minecraft, you will need the following materials:

Oak planks: 1

Now let’s move on to the step-by-step process of crafting an oak button in Survival mode:

Step 1: Open the Crafting Menu

Begin by opening your crafting table, which will provide you with a 3×3 crafting grid.

Step 2: Add Items to Make an Oak Button

Within the crafting menu, you’ll see the 3×3 crafting grid. To craft an oak button, place 1 oak plank in any of the available boxes.

Ensure that you arrange the oak planks in the exact pattern shown in the crafting recipe image. In the first row, the first box should contain 1 oak plank, while the remaining boxes should be empty.

Step 3: Move the Oak Button to Inventory

Once you’ve correctly placed the oak planks in the crafting grid, an oak button will appear in the result box on the right side of the grid.

Finally, move the newly crafted oak button to your inventory.


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