Structure blocks in Minecraft

Save mode allows players to highlight a structure in the world and save it to memory, a level file, or a separate file. In the GUI, players can enter the name of the structure, which cannot contain capital letters or special characters but can have underscores and hyphens. In Bedrock Edition, the structure name has the “mystructure:” prefix by default.


Players can also enter the X, Y, and Z values for the structure’s relative position based on the position of the structure block. This sets the origin of the structure outline. The maximum allowed distance from the structure block in Java Edition is 48 blocks in any direction, while in Bedrock Edition, it is 64 blocks horizontally and 256 blocks vertically.

The GUI also includes the option to show invisible blocks, which displays them as small colored cubes. In Java Edition, invisible blocks are shown as white, while in Bedrock Edition, they are shown as green, blue, or red, depending on the axis. The maximum structure size is 48x48x48 in Java Edition and 64x256x64 in Bedrock Edition.

To save the structure, players can click the “Save” button. In Java Edition, this saves the structure to a file, with the name of the structure being the name of the file. Players can save structures to a local folder or share them with other players by sending them the file. The structure block is a very useful tool in creating detailed Minecraft worlds.

/g; var matches = html.match(regex); if(matches) { var toReplace = []; for(var i=0; i < matches.length; i++) { toReplace.push(matches[i].replace(/(]+?>| |<\/p>)/img, "")); } for(var i=0; i < toReplace.length; i++) { html = html.replace(matches[i], toReplace[i]); } } return html; } function getSanitizedHeadingHTML(infoInput, slug) { if(!infoInput) { return ""; } //ignore content if it has only whitespaces (\n, etc) if(infoInput.textContent.trim() === '' && !infoInput.innerHTML.match(//g; var matches = html.match(regex); if(matches) { var toReplace = []; for(var i=0; i < matches.length; i++) { toReplace.push(matches[i].replace(/(]+?>| |<\/p>)/img, "")); } for(var i=0; i < toReplace.length; i++) { html = html.replace(matches[i], toReplace[i]); } } return html; } function setIdToHeadingsTag(html,slug){ var counter = 0; var h2Matches = html.match(/(.*?)<\/h2>/g); if(h2Matches != null){ var resultH2 = html.match(/(.*?)<\/h2>/g).map(function(val) { return val.replace('(.*?)<\/h3>/g); if(h3Matches != null){ var resultH3 = html.match(/(.*?)<\/h3>/g).map(function(val) { return val.replace(' 1) { var parser = new DOMParser(); html = parser.parseFromString(content, 'text/html'); html = html.querySelector('body').getElementsByTagName('p'); } var para = new Array(); for (var index = 0; index < html.length; index++) { if (html[index].innerText != undefined && html[index].innerText != "" && html[index].innerText.length > 1 && html[index].innerHTML.indexOf(" 0) appendPart(0, selectionStart); var fakeRange = appendPart(selectionStart, selectionEnd); if(textLen > selectionEnd) appendPart(selectionEnd, textLen); // Styles to inherit the font styles of the element = cssDefaultStyles; // Styles to position the text node at the desired position = "absolute"; = topPos + "px"; = 38 + "px"; = width + "px"; = height + "px"; $('#editor').appendChild(fakeClone); var returnValue = fakeRange.getBoundingClientRect(); //Get rect var arrOfValues = []; if (returnValue.height > 21) { // height of fakeRange > max height of fakeRange in single line // split into multiple spans and return all spans var words = fakeRange.innerText.split(" "); var newFakeRange = document.createElement('span'); = cssDefaultStyles; newFakeRange.textContent = words[0]; fakeClone.replaceChild(newFakeRange, fakeRange); arrOfValues.push(newFakeRange.getBoundingClientRect()); for(var i = 1; i < words.length; i++) { var fakeRangeSubPart1 = document.createElement('span'); = cssDefaultStyles; fakeRangeSubPart1.textContent = " "; newFakeRange.parentNode.insertBefore(fakeRangeSubPart1, newFakeRange.nextSibling); arrOfValues.push(fakeRangeSubPart1.getBoundingClientRect()); var fakeRangeSubPart2 = document.createElement('span'); = cssDefaultStyles; fakeRangeSubPart2.textContent = words[i]; fakeRangeSubPart1.parentNode.insertBefore(fakeRangeSubPart2, fakeRangeSubPart1.nextSibling); arrOfValues.push(fakeRangeSubPart2.getBoundingClientRect()); newFakeRange = fakeRangeSubPart2; } fakeClone.parentNode.removeChild(fakeClone); return arrOfValues; } fakeClone.parentNode.removeChild(fakeClone); return returnValue; // Local functions for readability of the previous code function appendPart(start, end){ var span = document.createElement("span"); = cssDefaultStyles; //Force styles to prevent unexpected results span.textContent = text.substring(start, end); fakeClone.appendChild(span); return span; } // Computing offset position function getInputOffset(){ var body = document.body, win = document.defaultView, docElem = document.documentElement, box = document.createElement(tagName); box = input.getBoundingClientRect(); var editorOffset = $('#editor').getBoundingClientRect().top; var clientTop = docElem.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0, clientLeft = docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0, scrollTop = win.pageYOffset || docElem.scrollTop || body.scrollTop, scrollLeft = win.pageXOffset || docElem.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft; return { top : + scrollTop - clientTop - editorOffset, left: box.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft }; } function getInputCSS(prop, isnumber){ var val = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(input, null).getPropertyValue(prop); return isnumber ? parseFloat(val) : val; } } function showMessageToUserInToolbar(message, type) { var color="#a8bece"; if(type === "success") { color = "green"; } if(type === "warning") { color = "#bfbf2f"; } if(type === "error") { color = "red"; } $("#message-to-user-toolbar").style.color = color; $("#message-to-user-toolbar").innerText = message; } function removeMessageFromToolbar() { $("#message-to-user-toolbar").innerText = ""; } function isValidURL(str) { var pattern = new RegExp('^(https?:\\/\\/)?'+ // protocol '((([a-z\\d]([a-z\\d-]*[a-z\\d])*)\\.)+[a-z]{2,}|'+ // domain name '((\\d{1,3}\\.){3}\\d{1,3}))'+ // OR ip (v4) address '(\\:\\d+)?(\\/[-a-z\\d%_.~+]*)*'+ // port and path '(\\?[;&a-z\\d%_.~+=-]*)?'+ // query string '(\\#[-a-z\\d_]*)?$','i'); // fragment locator return !!pattern.test(str); }

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