Fallout Games Get 200% Player Count Boost Amid TV Show Hype

Fallout Games Get 200% Player Count Boost Amid TV Show Hype

There’s a Fallout craze sweeping the globe amid the ongoing success of Amazon’s television series of the same name, which debuted on April 10. Since then, Bethesda Game Studios wowed fans the world over by announcing the long-awaited next-gen update for Fallout 4, and Fallout 76 got a sizeable update, all in the last few weeks.

It’s a monumental time to be a fan of the legendary post-apocalyptic franchise, and the hype has seen the player count for Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 double on some platforms – and Fallout 3 has seen a 200% increase in players.

Nuclear Numbers

On Steam, the peak player counts for Fallout 76 and Fallout have doubled in the last week as the Fallout hype train gathers pace. Here are the numbers at the time of writing compared to just three days ago, on April 10:

That’s Fallout 76’s highest peak player count on Steam since 2020, but Fallout 3 has seen even more growth than the latest two titles from the franchise:

Fallout’s multimedia explosion has brought millions of people back to the franchise – or to the franchise for the first time. Thanks to Bethesda Game Studios’ marketing campaign – assisted by Amazon Prime Video – the TV series has blown up, and along with it, the games have discovered a newfound sense of popularity.

There’s no news on a Fallout 5 – that will take at least another six or seven years to surface, but people seem content exploring the older titles in the meantime. Right now, you can download and play Fallout 76 for free – so get stuck in and see what the fuss is about Bethesda’s latest post-apocalyptic, open-world game.

For more Flizzyy coverage, check out the news that Square Enix wants the next Final Fantasy game out in three years

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