Neyoo, Zgod and Spower Instagram Accounts Terminated

Neyoo, Zgod and Spower Instagram Accounts Terminated

Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) is one of the most popular battle royale mobile games in India, offering a variety of cosmetics, characters, cars, planes and weapons skins. Players are eager to have such special things in their accounts. To acquire skins and cosmetics players require Unknown Cash (UC). 

Due to the popularity of such cosmetics there are several people who create fake giveaways and promise people that they can provide UC at cheaper prices. These people promote these giveaways on the livestreams of big Youtubers who generally tend to have a high number of viewers.  

With such practices ongoing there are always those that indulge in unethical and illegal approaches and it seems that the BGMI athletes of Godlike Esports seem to have come into a spot of trouble as a result of such shady people. Suraj “Neyoo” Majumdar, Abhishek “Zgod” Choudhary and Rudra “Spower” Instagram accounts have been terminated for allegedly promoting a BGMI ID Seller.

Neyoo, Spower and Zgod’s Instagram account termination details

Neyoo and Zgod are the core members of Godlike Esports’ BGMI lineup and Spower was recently added to its BGMI team. All of them are influential players in BGMI. 

In a recent development, it has been revealed that Neyoo, Zgod and Spower have been promoting BGMI ID/Account sellers and scammers on their respective Instagram accounts.

A youtuber named Hardscope, who is known to expose hackers and cheaters in BGMI, revealed in a   that Neyoo, Spower and Zgod had been promoting BGMI ID sellers and scammers. He also shared screenshots from their Instagram stories where they provided links to the scammers’ Youtube channel. The Instagram story shared by them read, “Show some support to my friend. Join for best deals. RP giveaway on 3.5k subs.” 

There have been many instances in the past where people have promoted such things on their Instagram accounts or their Youtube channels. Promotion of this kind on Instagram or any other social media platform is bannable and can also lead to termination of the person’s account.

It will be interesting to see if Neyoo, Spower and Zgod’s Instagram account is reinstated. All the players have lakhs of followers on their account, comprising a significant portion of their overall social media following.

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