Top 5 Guns with Loadouts in Season 11 of COD: Mobile

Top 5 Guns with Loadouts in Season 11 of COD: Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile’s Season 11 brings with it significant changes in weapon balance. With a plethora of buffs and nerfs altering the gameplay, the ranking of guns has undergone a transformation. Here’s an in-depth breakdown of the top 10 guns, considering their effectiveness, enhancements, and their impact on the current meta.

Top 5 Guns with Loadouts for Ranked Season 11

5. AK 47’s Ascendancy

The AK 47 stands out with a newly buffed headshot multiplier, solidifying its position as a powerful assault rifle in the game. However, if you are a movement player and don’t like holding corners for long range takedowns, we recommend switching to the hybrid magazine which increases fire rate, giving you more comeback space even if you miss your initial shots.

4. M13/Kilo/LK24: The Middle Ground

The M13 received numerous buffs, especially in reloading time. The double stack mag enhances reload speed by 20%, making it a swift and lethal choice. Both the Kilo and LK24 are a must try medium-range combat which can win you any fight if you can land all upper body shots.

3. UL736, PP19, & CBR: Unconventional Yet Effective

The UL is a notable choice for various game modes, offering viability in long to mid-range encounters. Meanwhile, the PP19 and CBR secure their positions as superb weapons if you are an OBJ player who typically needs to face multiple gunfights relentlessly.

2. The Switchblade

Reflecting the current meta, the Switchblade rises to the second position. Emphasizing quick corner rushes and close-range engagements, it caters the run & gun playstyle and give you an edge in ultra close range (crosshair) combats. It is also the most versatile SMG compared considering the state of SMGs in the game right now.

1. HVK

Claiming the top spot is the HVK, a powerhouse capable of swiftly dispatching foes. It’s the most capable 3-shot killer in the game and best suited for veterans in the game due the limited magazine size of the Large Caliber ammo.

In conclusion, the Season 11 meta in Call of Duty Mobile presents a diverse array of viable weapons, each with its strengths and advantages. Players can strategically adapt to this dynamic landscape by exploring the top-tier guns and finding their preferred playstyle within the available arsenal.

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