How to Send Space Gifts to Friends In BGMI?

How to Send Space Gifts to Friends In BGMI?

Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) is one of the most popular battle royale games in India and it provides the fans with some amazing rewards through various in-game events. The rewards in BGMI keep changing as and when the new Royale Pass arrives, which grants unique rewards for each event. To redeem these rewards players need to have Royale Points (RP).

There are several ways in which RP can be earned such as opening crates, completing daily missions, challenge missions and weekly missions. These points can then be redeemed for rewards in the Royale Pass. Today we will look at the “Send Space Gift” mission and how you can complete this mission to earn 30 RP.

What are Space Gift missions in BGMI?

The Space Gifts in BGMI are popularities that are sent to friends in BGMI. These missions in BGMI let players send free Space Gifts to their in-game friends and earn RP. Players can send different kinds of gifts such as chickens, cosmetic crates and energy. The energy Space Gifts in BGMI are the cheapest whereas the cosmetic crates are the most expensive.

If players are unable to collect their rewards they must try to restart BGMI or play a game to reset the missions page. Players are recommended to send Space Gifts to players who are active in-game. RP can be used to collect rewards from the Royale Pass.

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