BGMI 3.2 Update Release Date and Features: New Mode, Weapons and More

BGMI 3.2 Update Release Date and Features: New Mode, Weapons and More

After the success of the 3.1 update in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) which had modes such as the Skyhigh Spectacle mode and many new features introduced, fans were wondering what BGMI has to offer in its next major 3.2 update. Each major update is based on a certain theme and the modes and features introduced in the update are based on that theme. In this article we will talk about the new 3.2 update and the new modes and features introduced in the game.

BGMI 3.2 Update Features, Modes and Release Date

The first beta for the BGMI 3.2 update has been released. According to a popular Youtuber named , the new update will be based on a transformers like theme and is expected to be named Mecha Fusion. The new update will feature several transformers themed vehicles, features, weapons and more. Players will be able to access these features in the Classic mode matches.

  • Jetpacks (can be used to fly from one place to another).

  • Transformers themed flying vehicles (can be used to fly from one place to another in quick time).

  • Transformers themed ground vehicles (the vehicle will provide players with a robot like structure and players can sit and travel in it. The vehicle will also shoot bullets and rockets).

The 3.2 update in BGMI is expected to be available in the third week of May, once the 3.1 update concludes. The update will first be launched for Android devices and after a few hours it will be available to download on iOS devices. 

This is a major update in the game and players will require a good amount of storage to download it. Players should free up some space on their mobile devices in order to quickly download the update without any interruptions.

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