Free Fire MAX: Get Free Frost Monkey, Icy Hop, Celebration Schuss, and Iceflake Parachute

Free Fire MAX: Get Free Frost Monkey, Icy Hop, Celebration Schuss, and Iceflake Parachute

The Winterland-themed event has debuted in Free Fire MAX’s Indian server, offering an abundance of complimentary and premium items. Several events are scheduled to unfold, starting with the Hunt for Treasure. This web-based event features collectibles inspired by the Winterland theme, including a Skill Skin, an agent hop skin, a parachute skin, and a surfboard emote. To obtain these items at no cost, participants must engage in the Frostfire Winterland campaign and join the Hunt for Treasure event.

All You Need to Know about Winterland Frostfire campaign

The Hunt for Treasure event will continue until January 7, 2023. Participation requires no monetary investment; players simply need to gather Winterland Chips from the daily missions. These missions are easily achievable and swiftly completed, allowing players to accumulate Winterland Chips and unlock various gifts as they explore the Winterland. Advancing one step necessitates 2 Winterland chips, while progressing five steps demands 10 Winterland chips. Here’s a rundown of the event’s enticing prize pool:

Hunt for Treasure Event Prize Pool in Free Fire MAX:

Moreover, an array of other standard rewards, such as random load-out items, gun crates, and fragments, are available.

In conclusion, Free Fire MAX’s Winterland Frostfire event not only ushers in a season of exciting gameplay but also offers players the chance to acquire exclusive rewards and items without spending any currency. With the Hunt for Treasure event at the forefront, participants can immerse themselves in collecting Winterland Chips through straightforward daily missions.

The array of enticing prizes, including unique skins, emotes, and other valuable in-game items, adds an extra layer of enjoyment to this event. By following simple steps within the game, players can embark on this Frostfire adventure, explore the Winterland, and claim their desired rewards, fostering a sense of engagement and camaraderie within the Free Fire MAX community.

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