PlayStation Showcase To Be Held Next Month, It’s Claimed

PlayStation Showcase To Be Held Next Month, It's Claimed

In January, PlayStation hosted a State of Play showcase, revealing fresh content for Death Stranding 2, Stellar Blade, Until Dawn, and several other important titles. It was a sizeable event that was well reviewed ā€“ but it seems as though Sony is already shaping up to take to the stage once again. Recent claims have suggested that an all-new PlayStation showcase ā€“ potentially another State of Play ā€“ will be held next month.

That Was Quick

Itā€™s not typical for these major showcases to land so close to each other, but claims made recently by Giant Bombā€™s Jeff Grubb may be an indicator that Sony is bucking that trend. During a recent stream, Grubb said:

Iā€™ve heard that there will be a PlayStation ā€˜somethingā€™ ā€“ either a State of Play or a Showcase, next month in May, so this is probably going to be there.

The ā€˜thisā€™ he was referring to is Silent Hill 2, the remake that was recently classified by the ESRB and given an M for Mature rating. It was noted that it would be exactly a year since the last PlayStation Showcase ā€“ a much more major event compared to a State of Play.

This could be the event during which Sony reveals the PlayStation 6.

Oh, April Foolā€™s is finished? Apologies.

For more Flizzyy coverage, check out the news that Tarkov has had a major update

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