Kingdom Hearts 4 Set to Release in 2025, Insider Claims

Kingdom Hearts 4 Set to Release in 2025, Insider Claims

It has been claimed that Kingdom Hearts 4 will be released in 2025. This news comes via DanielRPK on Twitter, who published the claim through his Patreon platform – but the news was quickly circulated on social platforms. Since Square Enix revealed Kingdom Hearts 4 in 2022, everything has gone relatively silent, so it seems like if it is to be released in 2025, the first major trailer for the game will drop soon.

Still Cooking

It was reported that development on Kingdom Hearts 4 – stylised as Kingdom Hearts IV – began in 2020, which means Square Enix has been cooking on the project for quite some time. It seems it’ll be a direct follow-up to 2019’s Kingdom Hearts 3 (stylised as Kingdom Hearts III), but that’s an educated guess.

There are a few scrappy details about Kingdom Hearts 4 floating around, such as the report that it’s the base plate for the ‘Lost Master’ story arc set in Quadratum. There’s a multiverse style of play, with several worlds being open for exploration by the player. Sora will face Heartless as the game unfolds, and the character’s ‘daily life’ will be explored in greater depth.

As someone who has never even sniffed a Kingdom Hearts game, that means nothing to me, but more power to those who can’t wait for this game to be released.

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